The Digital Nativity

December 18, 2012

This short and witty video really helps to illustrate how digital has revolutionised our world! Take a look at how the nativity would have unfolded in 2012.

Happy Christmas, we hope you enjoy!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all for another year of Ignition in 2013!

Ireland, a nation proud of their heritage, a nation who are often overtly patriotic both home and abroad, a nation who frequently hate to be compared to the British – yet are extremely interested in British affairs.

When Google released the top searches for Ireland last year, Pippa Middleton was the fastest rising searched for person in 2011 after her appearance at her sister, Kate Middleton’s royal wedding to Prince William. By contrast Kate Middleton was number 5 on the list of the fastest rising people.

So, in the last week, again we have seen the royals top our search interests with the announcement of the royal pregnancy. Whilst the media in the UK are in a frenzy following this breaking story it is also headlined in the Irish media. The Irish Times announced “Kate Middleton Pregnant and Ill in Hospital” The reported that their article on the pregnancy was the most read story of the last 24hrs (at time of publication) and then proceeded to do a poll on whether the Irish nation cared or not about the Kate’s pregnancy.



So, what is the Irish obsession with the British Royals, are we genuinely interested, are we nosey? Do we see it as a form of light and positive news relief in the tough times? Or is it simply the era of the celebrity?

It seems that the market for celebrities has grown. Humans have always created heroes and gods and they have always gossiped, this psychological need has now become a lucrative business. Five years ago the Daily Mail’s penetration in the online world was non-existent in Ireland, now you would be hard pushed to find a female in the 18-35 year-old bracket who doesn’t have the app on their smart phone.

It seems that with the penetration of social media, the era of the celebrity is not going to die anytime soon with daily stalking of your favourite celebrity or in some cases royal family. After all, humans are social species and it is no surprise that we are interested in what those at the top of the social food chain are doing or wearing, we are looking to them for social cues – it makes evolutionary sense.

– Oilbhe



This week, we’re sharing another brilliant and inspiring video from TED. Tim Leberecht gives a great talk about losing control of your brand, which we felt was particularly relevant in the social media sphere.

Social media is no fad, and is undoubtedly here to stay. Its reach is so massive, that if Facebook were a country, it would be the third most populated in the world – ahead of the United States! Some brands have fully embraced it, others kind of buy into it and a few are waiting and watching in the wings.

One of the biggest concerns for brands contemplating a social media presence is the lack of control, but as Tim argues in this video, didn’t brands always have a lack of control?! Sure, on TV they could put out an approved corporate message but consumers have always been capable of forming their own opinions and sharing them. Social media just gives them a platform to bring these opinions to a wider audience, more quickly. Brands that use social media wisely have devised strategies that enable them to tap into consumer conversations dialling up the positives and spinning the negatives on their head.

Just because you don’t have a watch, it doesn’t mean that time stands still. Similarly, just because a brand doesn’t have an official social media presence, it doesn’t mean that people stop talking about it. So isn’t it better to be part of the conversation?

